Ways towards an effective and efficient collaboration between outpatient and stationary care in Germany

Within the scope of the research contract, the GWS evaluated options of an effective and efficient structure of the collaboration between outpatient and stationary health care in 2016 and 2017. Thereby, recognised experts defined and operationalized the conceptual terms for the report. Thereon, specific proposals for the further development were submitted to enable sustainability and quality control for the healthcare system. Within the scope of a multidimensional analysis from a medical, economic and juristic perspective, efficient and practically oriented concepts could be elaborated.

The report is available on the Internet at: https://www.zi.de/fileadmin/images/content/Gutachten/Zi-Gutachten_ambulant_vor_station%C3%A4r_Mai_2017.pdf

Support activities within a structural and implementation concept for Stuttgart Clinical Center

Within this project, a scientifically and medically valuable future concept for Stuttgart Clinical Center was developed by the GWS during the years 2016 and 2017. The analysis included the area of stationary as well as outpatient care. In doing so, a health economic analysis was conducted and a special report for the structure and building of a radiological centre was prepared.

Within this project, a scientifically and medically valuable future concept for Stuttgart Clinical Center was developed by the GWS during the years 2016 and 2017. The analysis included the area of stationary as well as outpatient care. In doing so, a heal

A top-level seminar for the presentation of the German health care system was organized by the GWS in cooperation with the Chinabridge Medical Management GmbH in 2007. Thus, several lectures had been prepared and held.

Evaluation of the German Chinese Health Cooporation

In 2016, the GWS evaluated measures and supporting events of the German Chinese Health Cooperation for the Federal Ministery of Health by qualitative, semi-structured guided interviews as well as quantitative methods. Based on the results of the evaluation, proposals for the strategic development of the project were submitted. In addition to that, recommendations were provided and suggestions for improvement were proposed.in order to ensure a lasting and fruitful further development of the German Chinese Health Cooperation and to enable the intense communication and the effective knowledge transfer between German and Chinese experts on the long run.

Five Springs: Derivation of the medical demand for the construction of the structure of the health care in the city of long life in China

In 2016, the GWS acquired a concept for the structures of the medical care in a newly establishing healthcare city within the scope of a subcontract with Adegna GmbH. Thus, the structure of various areas of care, for example acute as well as rehabilitative medicine, and a research focus was set up. Additionally, the analysis of the resulting personnel requirements was conducted by the GWS. In doing so, especially the qualifying needs and possibilities were evaluated. Based on a systematic literature review, the requirements were calculated by applying quantitative methods. Furthermore, various possibilities of the demand planning were subjected to an international comparison. Additionally, the prevalence of several chronic as well as non-communicable diseases was analysed and based on the results a prevention strategy was developed. Furthermore, the acute care was also designed. In doing so, an analysis of the structural data of German cities was conducted as a benchmark because of the high level of comparability.

Consulting services for the Evonik Industries AG

Since 2015 the GWS has been provided consulting services for the Evonik industries, primarily considering the analysis of current trends in the healthcare market. As the healthcare market is developing rapidly, a qualified market analysis is an essential prerequisite to be able to give innovative and creative implications for the further development of the business strategy as well as the strategic focus and the individual growth and business field strategies.

Containing education project “Curriculum Health Economics” for administrative und medical managers of the KfH Kuratorium für Heimdialyse und Nierentransplantation

Within this containing education project several events on the subject health economics were planned and conducted by the GWS from 2009 until 2011. Numerous top-level managers of the Kuratorium für Heimdialyse und Nierentransplantation as well as the Gesellschaft für Medizintechnik und Logistikmanagement mbH took part in the speeches. The GWS developed interview guidelines which identified the basic demand for qualification measures, Thereon, specific educational services could be planned, which were consequently oriented towards the needs and demands of the companies respectively the questioned managers.

Project CardioBBeat – Health Economic methodology development by the example of the evaluation of a technology-based, cross sectoral intervention for the care of chronically ill patients

CardioBBeat is one of the largest health economic telemedicine analyses for heart failure patients in the German-speaking area. Within this project new assessment tools have been developed for the Federal Ministery of Health to facilitate the analysis of the effectiveness and the economic value of new therapy and diagnostic methods. In cooperation with several partners, for example the Federal Ministry of Health, the Biometrie University of Hamburg, the Institut für Medizinmanagement und Gesundheitswissenschaften of the University of Bayreuth as well as health insurance funds, clinics and companies, the GWS contributed to the development and empirical implementation of the health economic evaluation from 2009 until 2011.

Expert report for the German Medical Association: “Optimization of the health care provided for vulnerable groups of children and youths”

Within this project, the GWS developed an expert report for the German Medical Association in cooperation with the Institut für Medizinmanagement und Gesundheitswissenschaften of the University of Bayreuth in 2010. In order to evaluate which problems may arise from the coming of age for the healthcare of disabled youths, qualitative semi-structured problem-focused interviews have been conducted after the literature research. To ensure the transferability of the results, quantitative computer-based telephone interviews have been conducted afterwards.

Expert report for the German Medical Association: “Delegation of medical duties to non-medical professions in inpatient care – Influencing factors and potentials in practice”

This project, which was performed by the GWS on behalf of the German Medical Association from 2009 until 2010, involved ideal-typical standard scenarios using an empirical approach. The aim was to identify determinants and potentials of the delegation of medical duties to non-medical professions in practice. Based on the scenarios qualitative interviews were conducted and analysed. Additionally, conclusive concepts for the practical application were elaborated.

Endangerment of the child's welfare - Expert report for the German Medical Association: “How can paediatricians and dentists contribute to the prevention and early detection of child neglect and abuse?”

Within a university cooperation the question how paediatricians and dentists can contribute to the prevention and early detection of child neglect and abuse was analysed in 2009. To develop theory-driven and practice-oriented concrete proposals of implementation for the German Medical Association, a systematic literature review, which also included “grey literature”, was conducted. In doing so, the GWS was mainly responsible for the development of goal criteria as well as a standardized documentation form to extract the information and data.

Evaluation of the electronic health card in Germany

On behalf of the gematik GmbH, the GWS evaluated the implementation of the electronic health card in Germany from 2008 until 2009. After the development of appropriate measurement instruments the GWS conducted qualitative interviews of users of various professional groups in private, public and non-profit hospitals and practices as well as different institutions of health care. Concluding, the data was prepared, supervised and analysed.

Medical decision making in the area of outpatient care – DFG-project “Unternehmen Heilung”

In 2008, a standardized interview of resident doctors was conducted by the GWS within a university cooperation. The objective was to evaluate their decision making in the context of their alternative medical treatment offering. Besides the analysis of the quantitative data the documentation of the results was ensured by the GWS by various reports and publications.

Rationalization and rationing in German health care

In cooperation with the Institut für Medizinmanagement und Gesundheitswissenschaften of the University of Bayreuth the GWS worked on a project of Sanofi Pasteur MSD in 2008. Thereby sustainable models, which can serve as methodological basis for implementable criteria for rationalization and rationing, were developed. To ensure an efficient allocation of resources and a high equity in health, normative as well as empirical equity aspects have been included in the analysis.

Contribution to financial recovery - Scientific evaluation of the effects of the contribution to financial recovery for hospitals within the “Gesetz zur Stärkung des Wettbewerbs in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung” on the clinical care

This project was conducted from 2007 until 208 on behalf of the Institut für Medizinmanagement und Gesundheitswissenschaften of the University of Bayreuth. Qualitative interviews of executives in various professional groups in private, public and non-profit hospitals hospitals and practices as well as different institutions of health care were conducted to evaluate the effects of the contribution to financial recovery for hospitals on the clinical care. Besides the preparation, supervision and analysis of the data obtained, the GWS was also responsible for the documentation of the results in reports and publications.

Workshop “Quality management in patient care”

On behalf of the Novartis Pharma GmbH a health economic further development course of Bavarian university hospitals was planned and organised by the GWS in 2007. The subject of the course was “Quality management in patient care by the example of immunosuppression – the health economic and pharmaeconomic perspective”. In doing so, not only the organisation, but also the presentation and supervision of the event as well as the authoring and publication of a final report was accomplished by the GWS.

Evaluation project “Applied health communication in the World Wide Web”

An evaluation study on the chances and risks of health communication in the internet was conducted by the GWS on behalf of a university in 2007. Apart from a theory-based literature research, the execution of the empirical study and the preparation, supervision and analysis of the data obtained, the GWS was also in charge of the authoring and publication of reports and releases.

Company valuation in the health care sector

An analysis on the economic sense of acquisition of a hospital chain was undertaken within this project in 2007. The company valuation was conducted on behalf of the HOCHTIEF AG and focused on the strategical overall assessment as well as individual areas of the acute care hospitals, specialist hospitals, rehabilitation centres and care institutions to be analysed. A combination of analysis of basic data as well as on site examination by an interdisciplinary expert team ensured a substantiated overview and assessment of the relevant acquisition targets.

The impact of the structures of German Health Care on the compliance by the example of hypertonia pharmacotherapy

In 2006 and 2007, influencing factors of the German health care system on the compliance of patients with high blood pressure were identified by the GWS in cooperation with Novartis and a Bavarian university. The results of the analysis were visualised with the aid of a blueprint.